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Dear subscribers of COTRI INTELLIGENCE!

Welcome to the new updated version of COTRI Weekly and COTMI China Outbound Tourimsm Market Intelligence – COTRI INTELLIGENCE!

You will find every week updated information, data, consulting deep dives, facts and analysis providing all what is needed for a successful engagement with the new Chinese outbound tourism market.

The FREE content part includes the long-standing COTRI weekly Editorial, with a more personal view on the developments in China, as well as news from our Content partners and about COTRI activities.

If you are seriously involved in Chinese tourism, you will need a Premium subscription which opens up a treasure box of consulting, analysis and data going much deeper than what can be found online.

Decades of experience, a global network of partners and information sources and a fearless analysis of what is really going on will help you cutting through the noise and getting the tools for meaningful decisions.

An online newsletter will provide you every Wednesday with an update on what new items are awaiting you at COTRI INTELLIGENCE. Premium subscribers will be furthermore invited to exclusive online webinars and networking meetings during tourism fairs.

To provide an opportunity for you as a new follower of COTRI INTELLIGENCE to have a look at all the content available with a Premium subscription, allow me to offer to you a special welcoming subscription for one month for 15,99 € only, a discount of 59%.

Your humble editor of COTRI INTELLIGENCE,

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt